Group 1
Sheepdogs and Cattle Dogs (except Swiss Cattle Dogs)
Section 1: Sheepdogs
1.Australian Kelpie (293)
2.Chien de Berger Belge (15)
a) Groenendael
b) Laekenois
c) Malinois
d) Tervueren
3.Schipperke (83)
4.Ceskoslovenský Vlcak (332)
5.Hrvatski Ovcar (277)
6.Deutscher Schäferhund (166)
7.Ca de Bestiar - Perro de pastor mallorquín
a) Short-haired
b) Long-haired
8.Gos d'Atura Catalá - Perro de pastor catalán (87)
a) Long-haired
b) Smooth-haired
9.Berger de Beauce (Beauceron) (44)
a) Black and tan
b) Harlequin
10.Berger de Brie (Briard) (113)
a) Slate
b) Fawn, grey
11.Berger de Picardie (Berger Picard) (176)
12.Berger des Pyrénées à poil long (141) (Long-haired Pyrenean Sheepdog)
13.Berger des Pyrénées à face rase (138) (Pyrenean Sheepdog - smooth faced)
14.Bearded Collie (271)
15.Border Collie (297)
16.Collie Rough (156)
17.Collie Smooth (296)
18.Old English Sheepdog (Bobtail) (16)
19.Shetland Sheepdog (88)
20.Welsh Corgi Cardigan (38)
21.Welsh Corgi Pembroke (39)
22.Cane da pastore Bergamasco (194) (Bergamasco Shepherd Dog)
23.Cane da pastore Maremmano-Abruzzese (201) (Maremma and Abruzzes Sheepdog)
24.Komondor (53)
25.Kuvasz (54)
26.Mudi (238)
a) Fawn
b) Black
c) Blue-merle
d) Ashen
e) Brown
f) White
27.Puli (55)
a) Black
b) Black discretely shaded with rust-red or grey
c) Fawn with pronounced black mask
d) Pearl-white without any rust-red shade
28.Pumi (56)
a) Grey in different shades
b) Black
c) Fawn : groundcolours red, yellow, cream
d) White
29.Hollandse Herdershond (223) (Dutch Shepherd Dog)
a) Short-haired
b) Long-haired
c) Rough-haired
30.Saarlooswolfhond (311) (Saarloos Wolfdog)
31.Nederlandse Schapendoes (313) (Dutch Schapendoes)
32.Polski Owczarek Nizinny (251) (Polish Lowland Sheepdog)
33.Polski Owczarek Podhalanski (252) (Tatra Shepherd Dog)
34.Cão da Serra de Aires (93) (Portuguese Sheepdog)
35.Slovenský Cuvac (142) (Slovakian Chuvach)
36.Ioujnorousskaïa Ovtcharka (326) (South Russian Shepherd Dog)
Section 2 : Cattle Dogs (except Swiss Cattle Dogs)
1.Australian Cattle Dog (287)
2.Bouvier des Ardennes (171) (Ardennes Cattle Dog)
3.Bouvier des Flandres/Vlaamse Koehond (191) (Flanders Cattle Dog)
Group 2
Pinscher and Schanuzer - Molossoid Breeds - Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs and Other Breeds
Section 1 : Pinscher and Schnauzer type
1.1 Pinscher
1.Dobermann (143)
a) Black with rust red markings
b) Brown with rust red markings
2.Deutscher Pinscher (German Pinscher) (184)
a) Stag-red, red-brown to dark red-brown
b) Black with tan markings
3.Zwergpinscher (185) (Miniature Pinscher)
a) Stag-red, red-brown to dark red-brown
b) Black with tan markings
4.Affenpinscher (186)
5.Österreichischer Pinscher (64) (Austrian Pinscher)
1.2 Schnauzer
1.Riesenschnauzer (181) (Giant Schnauzer)
a) Pure black with undercoat
b) Pepper ans salt=blackened sand with sand-coloured markings
2.Schnauzer (182)
a) Pure black with black undercoat
b) Pepper and salt=blackened sand with sand-coloured markings
3.Zwergschnauzer (183) (Miniature Schnauzer)
a) Pure black with black undercoat
b) Pepper and salt=blackened sand with sand-coloured markings
c) Black and silver=black with sand-coloured markings
d) Pure white with white undercoat
1.3 Smoushond
1.Hollandse Smoushond (308) (Dutch Smoushond)
1.4 Tchiorny Terrier
1.Tchiorny Terrier (327) (Black Terrier)
Section 2 : Molossoid breeds
2.1 Mastiff type
1.Dogo Argentino (292)
2.Fila Brasileiro (225)
3.Shar Pei (309)
4.Broholmer (315)
5.Deutscher Boxer (144) (German Boxer)
a) Fawn
b) Brindle
6.Deutsche Dogge (235) (Great Dane)
a) Fawn
b) Brindle
c) Black
d) Harlequin
e) Blue
7.Rottweiler (147)
8.Perro dogo mallorquín (Ca de Bou) (249) (Majorca Mastiff)
9.Dogue de Bordeaux (116)
10.Bulldog (149)
11.Bullmastiff (157)
12.Mastiff (264)
13.Mastino Napoletano (197) (Neapolitan Mastiff)
14.Tosa (260)
2.2 Mountain type
1.Coban Köpegi (331) (Anatolian Shepherd Dog)
2.Newfoundland (50)
a) Black
b) Brown
c) White with black markings
3.Hovawart (190)
a) Black and tan
b) Black
c) Blond
4.Leonberger (145)
5.Landseer (europäisch-kontinentaler Typ) (226) (Continental-European type)
6.Mastín español (91) (Spanish Mastiff)
7.Mastín del Pirineo (92) (Pyrenean Mastiff)
8.Chien de Montagne des Pyrénées (137) (Pyrenean Mountain Dog)
9.Jugoslovenski Ovcarski Pas - Sarplaninac (41) (Yugoslavian Shepherd Dog-Sharplanina)
10.Chien de l'Atlas (Aïdi) (247) (Atlas Shepherd Dog)
11.Cão da Serra da Estrela (173) (Serra da estrela Mountain Dog)
a) Smooth-haired
b) Long-haired
12.Cão de Castro Laboreiro (170) (Castro Laboreiro Dog)
13.Rafeiro do Alentejo (96) (Alentejo Mastiff)
14.St.Bernhardshund (Bernhardiner) (61) (Saint Bernard Dog)
a) Short-haired
b) Long-haired
15.Kraski Ovcar (278) (Karst Shepherd Dog)
16.Kavkazskaïa Ovtcharka (328) (Caucasian Shepherd Dog)
17.Sredneasiatskaïa Ovtcharka (335) (Central Asia Shepherd Dog)
18.Do-Khyi (230) (Tibetan Mastiff)
Section 3 : Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs
1.Appenzeller Sennenhund (46) (Appenzell Cattle Dog)
2.Berner Sennenhund (45) (Bernese Mountain Dog)
3.Entlebucher Sennenhund (47) (Entlebuch Cattle Dog)
4.Grosser Schweizer Sennenhund (58) (Great Swiss Mountain Dog)
Group 3
Section 1 : Large and medium-sized Terriers
1.Deutscher Jagdterrier (103) (German Hunting Terrier)
2.Airedale Terrier (7)
3.Bedlington Terrier (9)
4.Border Terrier (10)
5.Fox Terrier (Smooth) (12)
6.Fox Terrier (Wire) (169)
7.Lakeland Terrier (70)
8.Manchester Terrier (71)
9.Parson Russell Terrier (339)
10.Welsh Terrier (78)
11.Irish Glen of Imaal Terrier (302)
12.Irish Terrier (139)
13.Kerry Blue Terrier (3)
14.Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier (40)
Section 2 : Small-sized Terriers
1.Australian Terrier (8)
2.Jack Russell Terrier (345)
3.Cairn Terrier (4)
4.Dandie Dinmont Terrier (168)
5.Norfolk Terrier (272)
6.Norwich Terrier (72)
7.Scottish Terrier (73)
8.Sealyham Terrier (74)
9.Skye Terrier (75)
10.West Highland White Terrier (85)
11.Nihon Teria (259) (Japanese Terrier)
12.Ceský Teriér (246) (Cesky Terrier)
Section 3 : Bull type Terriers
1.Bull Terrier (11)
a) Bull Terrier (Standard)
b) Miniature Bull Terrier
2.Staffordshire Bull Terrier (76)
3.American Staffordshire Terrier (286)
Section 4 : Toy Terriers
1.Australian Silky Terrier (236)
2.English Toy Terrier (Black and Tan) (13)
3.Yorkshire Terrier (86)
Group 4
Section 1 : Dachshunds
1.Dachshund (Teckel) (148)
a) Standard
- Smooth-haired
- Long-haired
- Wire-haired
b) Miniature
- Smooth-haired
- Long-haired
- Wire-haired
c) Rabbit Dachshund
- Smooth-haired
- Long-haired
- Wire-haired
Group 5
Spitz and Primitive types
Section 1 : Nordic Sledge Dogs
1.Grønlandshund (274) (Greenland Dog)
2.Samoiedskaïa Sabaka (212) (Samoyed)
3.Alaskan Malamute (243)
4.Siberian Husky (270)
Section 2 : Nordic Hunting Dogs
1.Norsk Elghund Grå (242) (Norwegian Elkhound grey)
2.Norsk Elghund Sort (268) (Norwegian Elkhound black)
3.Norsk Lundehund (265) (Norwegian Lundehund)
4.Russko-Evropeïskaïa Laïka (304) (Russian-European Laïka)
5.Vostotchno-Sibirskaïa Laïka (305) (East Siberian Laïka)
6.Zapadno-Sibirskaïa Laïka (306) (West Siberian Laïka)
7.Jämthund (42) (Swedish Elkhound)
8.Norrbottenspets (276) (Norrbottenspitz)
9.Karjalankarhukoira (48) (Karelian Bear Dog)
10.Suomenpystykorva (49) (Finnish Spitz)
Section 3 : Nordic Watchdogs and Herders
1.Islenskur Fjárhundur (289) (Icelandic Sheepdog)
2.Norsk Buhund (237) (Norwegian Buhund)
3.Svensk Lapphund (135) (Swedish Lapphund)
4.Västgötaspets (14) (Swedish Vallhund)
5.Suomenlapinkoira (189) (Finnish Lapphund)
6.Lapinporokoïra (284) (Finnish Reindeer Herder)
Section 4 : European Spitz
1.Deutscher Spitz (97) (German Spitz)
a) Wolfsspitz (Keeshond)
b) Grossspitz (Giant Spitz)
- White
- Brown or black
c) Mittelspitz (Medoum size Spitz)
- White
- Brown or black
- Orange, grey shaded and other colours
d) Kleinspitz (Miniature Spitz)
- White
- Brown or black
- Orange, grey shaded and other colours
e) Zwergspitz (Pomeranian)
2.Volpino Italiano (195)
Section 5 : Asian Spitz and related breeds
1.Chow Chow (205)
2.Eurasier (291) (Eurasian)
3.Korea Jindo Dog (334)
4.Akita (255)
5.American Akita (344)
6.Hokkaïdo (261)
7.Kai (317)
8.Kishu (318)
9.Nihon Supittsu (262) (Japanese Spitz)
10.Shiba (257)
11.Shikoku (319)
Section 6 : Primitive type
1.Canaan Dog (273)
2.Pharaoh Hound (248)
3.Xoloitzquintle (234) (Mexican Hairless Dog)
a) Standard
b) Intermediate
c) Miniature
4.Perro sin pelo del Perú (310) (Peruvian Hairless Dog)
a) Large
b) Medium-sized
c) Miniature
5.Basenji (43)
Section 7 : Primitive type - Hunting Dogs
1.Podenco Canario (329) (Canarian Warren Hound)
2.Podenco Ibicenco (89) (Ibizan Warren Hound - Ibizan Podenco)
a) Rough haired
b) Smooth-haired
3.Cirneco dell'Etna (199)
4.Podengo Português (94) (Portuguese Warren Hound - Portuguese Podengo)
a) Wire-haired
- Large
- Medium-sized
- Miniature
b) Smooth-haired
- Large
- Medium-sized
- Miniature
Section 8: Primitive type Hunting Dogs with a ridge on the back
1.Thai Ridgeback Dog (338)
Group 6
Scenthounds and Related Breeds
Section 1 : Scenthounds
1.1 Large-sized Hounds
1.Chien de Saint-Hubert (84) (Bloodhound)
2.Poitevin (24)
3.Billy (25)
4.Français tricolore (219) (French Tricolour Hound)
5.Français blanc et noir (220) (French White and Black Hound)
6.Français blanc et orange (316) (French White and Orange Hound)
7.Grand anglo-français tricolore (322) (Great Anglo-French Tricolour Hound)
8.Grand anglo-français blanc et noir (323) (Great Anglo-French White and Black Hound)
9.Grand anglo-français blanc et orange (324) (Great Anglo-French White and Orange Hound)
10.Grand bleu de Gascogne (22) (Great Gascony Hound)
11.Grand gascon saintongeois (21) (Great Gascon Saintongeois)
12.Grand griffon vendéen (282) (Grand Griffon Vendeen)
13.English Foxhound (159)
14.Otterhound (294)
15.American Foxhound (303)
16.Black and Tan Coonhound (300)
1.2 Medium-sized Hounds
1.Bosanski Ostrodlaki Gonic Barak (155) (Bosnian coarse-haired Hound - called Barak)
2.Istarski Kratkodlaki Gonic (151) (Istrian short-haired Hound)
3.Istarski Ostrodlaki Gonic (152) (Istrian coarse-haired Hound)
4.Posavski Gonic (154) (Posavaz Hound)
5.Sabueso Español (204) (Spanish Hound)
6.Anglo-français de petite vénerie (325)
7.Ariégeois (20)
8.Beagle-Harrier (290)
9.Chien d'Artois (28) (Artois Hound)
10.Porcelaine (30)
11.Petit bleu de Gascogne (31) (Small Blue Gascony Hound)
12.Petit gascon saintongeois (21bis) (Small Gascon Saintongeois)
13.Briquet griffon vendéen (19) (Medium Griffon Vendeen)
14.Griffon bleu de Gascogne (32) (Blue Gascony Griffon)
15.Griffon fauve de Bretagne (66) (Fawn Brittany Griffon)
16.Griffon nivernais (17)
17.Harrier (295)
18.Hellinikos Ichnilatis (214) (Hellenic Hound)
19.Segugio Italiano (Italian Hound)
a) Short-haired (337)
b) Coarse-haired (198)
20.Srpski Trobojni Gonic (229) (Serbian Tricolour Hound)
21.Crnogorski Planinski Gonic (279) (Montenegrin Mountain Hound)
22.Srpski Gonic (150) (Serbian Hound)
23.Erdélyi Kopó (241) (Transylvanian Hound)
24.Dunker (203) (Norwegian Hound)
25.Haldenstøvare (267) (Halden Hound)
26.Hygenhund (266) (Hygen Hound)
27.Brandlbracke - (Vieräugl) (63) (Austrian Black and Tan Hound)
28.Steirische Rauhhaarbracke (62) (Styrian coarse-haired Hound)
29.Tiroler Bracke (68) (Tyrolean Hound)
30.Ogar Polski (52) (Polish Hound)
31.Schweizer Laufhund-Chien Courant Suisse (59) (Swiss Hound)
a) Bernese Hound
b) Jura Hound
c) Lucerne Hound
d) Schwyz Hound
32.Slovenský Kopov (244) (Slovakian Hound)
33.Suomenajokoira (51) (Finnish Hound)
34.Hamiltonstövare (132) (Hamilton Hound)
35.Schillerstövare (131) (Schiller Hound)
36.Smålandsstövare (129) (Småland Hound)
1.3 Small-sized Hounds
1.Deutsche Bracke (299) (German Hound)
2.Westfälische Dachsbracke (100) (Westphalian Dachsbracke)
3.Basset artésien normand (34) (Artesian-Norman Basset)
4.Basset bleu de Gascogne (35) (Blue Gascony Basset)
5.Basset fauve de Bretagne (36) (Fawn Brittany Basset)
6.Grand Basset griffon vendéen (33) (Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen)
7.Petit Basset griffon vendéen (67) (Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen)
8.Basset Hound (163)
9.Beagle (161)
10.Schweizerischer Niederlaufhund - Petit chien courant suisse (60) (Small Swiss Hound)
a) Small Bernese Hound
- Smooth-haired
- Coarse-haired
b) Small Jura Hound
c) Small Lucerne Hound
d) Small Schwyz Hound
11.Drever (130) (Swedish Dachsbracke)
Section 2 : Leash (scent) Hounds
1.Bayrischer Gebirgsschweisshund (217) (Bavarian Mountain Scenthound)
2.Hannover'scher Schweisshund (213) (Hanoverian Scenthound)
3.Alpenländische Dachsbracke(254) (Alpine Dachsbracke)
Section 3 : Related breeds
1.Dalmatinac (153) (Dalmatian)
2.Rhodesian Ridgeback (146)
Group 7
Pointing Dogs
Section 1 : Continental Pointing Dogs
1.1 Type Continental Pointing Dog
1.Gammel Dansk Hønsehund (281) (Old Danish Pointing Dog)
2.Deutsch Kurzhaar (119) (German Short-haired Pointing Dog)
3.Deutsch Drahthaar (98) (German Wire-haired Pointing Dog)
4.Pudelpointer (216)
5.Deutsch Stichelhaar (232) (German Rough-haired Pointing Dog)
6.Weimaraner (99)
a) Short-haired
b) Long-haired
7.Perdiguero de Burgos (90) (Burgos Pointing Dog)
8.Braque de l'Ariège (177) (Ariege Pointing Dog)
9.Braque d'Auvergne (180) (Auvergne Pointing Dog)
10.Braque du Bourbonnais (179) (Bourbonnais Pointing Dog)
11.Braque français, type Gascogne (grande taille) (133) (French Pointing Dog - Gascogne type)
12.Braque français, type Pyrénées (petite taille) (134) (French Pointing Dog - Pyrenean type)
13.Braque Saint-Germain (115) (St.Germain Pointing Dog)
14.Bracco Italiano (202) (Italian Pointing Dog)
a) White-orange
b) Chestnut roan
15.Drotzörü Magyar Vizsla (239) (Hungarian Wire-haired Pointing Dog)
16.Rövidszörü Magyar Vizsla (57) (Hungarian Short-haired Pointing Dog)
17.Perdigueiro Português (187) (Portuguese Pointing Dog)
1.2 Spaniel type
1.Kleiner Münsterländer (102) (Small Munsterlander)
2.Grosser Münsterländer (118) (Large Munsterlander)
3.Deutsch Langhaar (117) (German long-haired Pointing Dog)
4.Epagneul bleu de Picardie (106) (Blue Picardy Spaniel)
5.Epagneul Breton (95) (Brittany)
a) White and orange
b) Other colours
6.Epagneul français (175) (French Spaniel)
7.Epagneul picard (108) (Picardy Spaniel)
8.Epagneul de Pont-Audemer (114) (Spaniel de Pont-Audemer)
9.Drentse Patrijshond (224) (Drentse Partridge Dog)
10.Stabyhoun (222) (Frisian Pointing Dog)
1.3 'Griffon' type
1.Griffon d'arrêt à poil dur Korthals (107) (French wire-haired Korthals Pointing Griffon)
2.Spinone Italiano (165) (Italian Wire-haired Pointing Dog)
a) White-orange
b) Chestnut roan
3.Ceský Fousek (245) (Bohemian wire-haired Pointing Griffon)
4.Slovenský Hrubosrsty Stavac (Ohar) (320) (Slovakian Wire-haired Pointing Dog)
Section 2 : British and Irish Pointers and Setters
2.1 Pointer
1.English Pointer (1)
2.2 Setter
1.English Setter (2)
2.Gordon Setter (6)
3.Irish Red Setter (120)
4.Irish Red and White Setter (330)
Group 8
Retrievers - Flushing Dogs - Water Dogs
Section 1 : Retrievers
1.Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever (312)
2.Curly Coated Retriever (110)
3.Flat Coated Retriever (121)
4.Labrador Retriever (122)
5.Golden Retriever (111)
6.Chesapeake Bay Retriever (263)
Section 2 : Flushing Dogs
1.Deutscher Wachtelhund (104) (German Spaniel)
2.Clumber Spaniel (109)
3.English Cocker Spaniel (5)
a) Red
b) Black
c) Other colours
4.Field Spaniel (123)
5.Sussex Spaniel (127)
6.English Springer Spaniel (125)
7.Welsh Springer Spaniel (126)
8.Kooikerhondje (314) (Small Dutch Waterfowl Dog).
9.American Cocker Spaniel (167)
a) Black
b) Any solid colour other than black
c) Particolor
Section 3 : Water Dogs
1.Perro de agua español (336) (Spanish Waterdog)
2.Barbet (105) (French Water Dog)
3.Irish Water Spaniel (124)
4.Lagotto Romagnolo (298) (Romagna Water Dog)
5.Wetterhoun (221) (Frisian Water Dog)
6.Cão de agua Português (37) (Portuguese Water Dog)
a) Curly
b) Long and wavy
7.American Water Spaniel (301)
Group 9
Companion and Toy Dogs
Section 1 : Bichons and related breeds
1.1 Bichons
1.Maltese (65)
2.Bichon Havanais (250) (Havanese)
3.Bichon à poil frisé (215) (Bichon Frise)
4.Bolognese (196) (Bolognese)
1.2 Coton de Tuléar
1.Coton de Tuléar (283)
1.3 Petit chien lion
1.Petit chien lion (233) (Little Lion Dog)
Section 2 : Poodle CACIB Working trial Standards
1.Caniche (172) (Poodle)
a) Standard
- White
- Black
- Brown
- Grey
- Apricot
b) Medium size
- White
- Black
- Brown
- Grey
- Apricot
c) Miniature
- White
- Black
- Brown
- Grey
- Apricot
d) Toy
- White
- Black
- Brown
- Grey
- Apricot
Section 3 : Small Belgian Dogs CACIB Working trial Standards
3.1 Griffons
1.Griffon belge (81) (Belgian Griffon)
2.Griffon bruxellois (80) (Brussels Griffon)
3.2 Petit Brabançon
1.Petit Brabançon (82) (Small Brabant Griffon)
Section 4 : Hairless Dogs CACIB Working trial Standards
1.Chinese Crested Dog (288)
a) Hairless
b) Powder Puff with veil coat
Section 5 : Tibetan breeds CACIB Working trial Standards
1.Lhasa Apso (227)
2.Shih Tzu (208)
3.Tibetan Spaniel (231)
4.Tibetan Terrier (209)
Section 6 : Chihuahueño
1.Chihuahua (218)
a) Smooth-haired
b) Long-haired
Section 7 : English Toy Spaniels
1.Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (136)
a) Black and Tan
b) Ruby
c) Blenheim (Rich chestnut markings on pearl with ground)
d) Tricolour
2.King Charles Spaniel (128)
a) Black and Tan
b) Ruby
c) Blenheim (Rich chestnut markings on pearl with ground)
d) Prince Charles (Tricolour)
Section 8 : Japan Chin and Pekingese
1.Pekingese (207)
2.Chin (206) (Japanese Chin)
Section 9 : Continental Toy Spaniel
1.Epagneul nain Continental (77) (Continental Toy Spaniel)
a) Papillon (with erect ears : 1,5 - 2,5 kg/2,5 - 4,5 kg)
b) Phalène (with drooping ears : 1,5 - 2,5 kg/2,5 - 4,5 kg)
Section 10 : Kromfohrländer
1.Kromfohrländer (192)
Section 11 : Small Molossian type Dogs
1.Bouledogue français (101) (French Bulldog)
a) Uniformly fawn, brindled or not, with limited white patching
b) Fawn, brindled or not, with medium or predominant white patching
2.Pug (253)
a) Fawn with black mask
b) Black
c) Silver
d) Apricot with black mask
3.Boston Terrier (140)
Group 10
Section 1 : Long-haired or fringed Sighthounds
1.Afghan Hound (228)
2.Saluki (269)
a) Fringed
b) Short-haired
3.Russkaya Psovaya Borzaya - Barzoï (193) (Borzoi)
Section 2 : Rough-haired Sighthounds
1.Irish Wolfhound (160)
2.Deerhound (164)
Section 3 : Short-haired Sighthounds
1.Galgo español (285) (Spanish Greyhound)
2.Greyhound (158)
3.Whippet (162)
4.Piccolo Levriero Italiano (200) (Italian Greyhound)
5.Magyar Agar (240) (Hungarian Greyhound)
6.Azawakh (307)
7.Sloughi (188) (Arabian Greyhound)
8.Chart Polski (333) (Polish Greyhound)
Breeds provisionally accepted
1.Gonzcy Polski (354) (Polish Hunting Dog)
Group 6
Section 1.2 : Medium-sized Hounds
2.Cimarrón Uruguayo (353) (Uruguayan Cimarron)
Group 2
Section 2.1 : Molossoid breeds - Mastiff type
3.Russkiy Toy (352) (Russian Toy)
a) smooth-haired
b) longhaired
Group 9
Section 9 : Continental Toy Spaniel and Russian Toy
4.Ciobanesc Romanesc Mioritic (349) (Romanian Mioritic Shepherd Dog)
Group 1
Section 1 : Sheepdogs
5.Ciobanesc Romanesc Carpatin (350) (Romanian Carpathian Shepherd Dog)
Group 1
Section 1 : Sheepdogs
6.Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog (351)
Group 1
Section 2 : Cattle Dogs (except Swiss Cattle Dogs)
7.Taiwan Dog (348)
Group 5
Section 7 : Primitive Type - Hunting Dogs
8.Berger Blanc Suisse (347) (White Swiss Shepherd Dog)
Group 1
Section 1 : Sheepdogs
9.Dogo Canario (346)
Group 2
Section 2.1 : Mastiff type
10.Cane Corso Italiano (343) (Italian Corso Dog)
Group 2
Section 2.1 : Mastiff type
11.Australian Shepherd (342)
Group 1
Section 1 : Sheepdogs
12.Terrier Brasileiro (341) (Brazilian Terrier)
Group 3
Section 1 : Large and medium-sized Terriers
13.Cão Fila de São Miguel (340)
Group 1
Section 2 : Cattle Dogs (except Swiss Cattle Dogs)
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